Contact Us

Sumatra Nature Quest


Get In Touch With Us!

Whats App: You can reach us at +(62) 896 6829 9589.

Email: Please use the attached email form below to get in touch with us.
We guarantee a response within 48 hours.

Choose Phone or Social Media

Sumatra Nature Quest

We are a sole French-Indonesian proprietorship, and operates as a local tour operator in Sumatra, Indonesia.

Head Office

Jl. Tangah Jua, Aur Kuning, Kec. Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh,
Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra 26181, Indonesia

Web Hosting

Registration / License (Izin Usaha):
– 2609230164857 –

Business Identification Number (NIB) is a 13-digit registration number which functions as the identity of the business owner.
Essentially, the NIB is proof of registration and business identity, allowing entrepreneurs to conduct their business activities.
This is the equivalent of a work permit in Europe.

NIB also functions as:

– Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
– Importer Identification Number (API)

As proof, you can request a photocopy of the original certificate by email. We’ll gladly provide it to you.

“Sumatra Nature Quest” Creator

Hey there, I’m Fred, a French guy born in 1988 and dedicated in everything I do. During my journey around the world, I unexpectedly fell head over heels for Sumatra. Several years ago, I made the heartwarming decision to put down roots and call this beautiful place my home.

It’s been nearly a decade now that I’ve been continuously exploring Sumatra and the Mentawai islands off the beaten path, and for the past 4 years, I’ve taken great pride in introducing this captivating region—its diverse cultures, histories, and the wonderful people I’ve encountered on my journey.
I look forward to continuing this enriching experience with you, finding joy in each moment, just like the first time.

For further information, contact us!
