Sumatra Nature Quest

Legal Informations

Photo Credit & Copyright

The content on this website, including photographs, company logo, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences (with or without sound), and all integrated works, belongs to SUMATRA NATURE QUEST.
Some photographs on this website (apart from those from the website creator) are subject to the CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license and/or are credited to creators such as Oncy Oni, Hasbi KurniaFootnote In Travel, Rodney Ee, Fauzi Ahmad among others…

We extend special thanks to Philippe and Sylvie, Dgd, valued clients who graciously allowed us to use the photos captured during their trip with our services. I am included in some of these photos, and we are grateful for their warm agreement to share these moments with us.

All of these photographs were taken in the regions of North Sumatra, West Sumatra and the Mentawai Islands.

The logos, icons, and graphic symbols represented on the website are protected under copyright laws and Articles L.511.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code relating to the protection of registered designs.
Reproductions, whether in print or electronic form, of the aforementioned website and its contained works are permitted for personal use only, excluding any usage for advertising, commercial purposes, or informational purposes, provided they comply with the provisions outlined in Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Aside from the provisions mentioned, any form of reproduction, representation, use, or alteration, through any means or medium, of all or a part of the website, including the various works it comprises, without prior authorization from SUMATRA NATURE QUEST, is strictly prohibited. Such actions constitute a violation and may result in civil and/or criminal legal consequences, as well as the obligation to pay damages.
